Age: 33
Occupation: Blacksmith/Armorer
Special Abilities/Skills: craftmanship in forging weapons and armor
Nationality/Ethnicity: Scottish
Homeland: Highlands of Scotland
Religion: Gaelic
Brief Physical Description: Faolan Macgowan is a middle-aged man. He has free-flowing black hair and beard. He also has a big scar near his left eye. Taller than the average man, he possess a body the has been built by years of forging steel. He is a cross of Viggo Mortensen in LOTR or Mel Gibson from Braveheart.
Brief History: Faolan Macgowan is a middle-aged man that has gone through a lot of trials in his life. Scarred from numerous battles against oppressors (mainly the English). Faolan lost his family when the English invaded. Raised by a Scottish lord, he served as his smithy and armorer. Nobles and peasants alike admire his fine craftsmanship. He has a special technique in forging armor that is half the weight of the conventional armor but is twice as strong.
Every good coterie needs muscle. I was relieved to see Dennis choose a character with more brawn than brains. If there is one sure way to survive in Medeival times, it's with a sword in your hand. But I didn't want him to be your stereotypical brute, so I decided to complicate his life.
Faolan was the only character who didn't have a religion based on Christianity. This was sure to put him into conflict with the other characters. My intention wasn't to have him fight the others but rather to provide an alternate perspective as well as opportunity for a role-playing his difference.
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